Statement Of Faith
1. That the Holy Scriptures are the inspired Word of God, and that the whole Bible being the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
2. There is only one true and living God, existing in three expressions: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.
3. We believe in the Essential Deity of Christ, His Virgin Birth, His Sinless Life, His Miracles, His Bodily Resurrection, His Ascension to the Right Hand of The Father, and His Second Coming in Great Power and Glory.
4. We believe in the forgiveness of sins by the confession of faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and conversion upon repentance, for all.
5. That it is the privilege of all Christians to have the present Indwelling of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in Other Tongues, enabling them to live a godly and holy life.
6. We believe in the unity of all true Christian believers repudiating all man-made sectarian walls.
7. However, we believe that every true Christian who is saved through the Blood of Jesus Christ, is a member of the Body of Christ, regardless of where they received salvation or where they worship. And to all such saved, we extend the Hand of Fellowship.