About International Ministers Forum
Introduction to International Minister’s Forum
This is a day of importance for every one of us in the ministry. We are living in the end-time, thereforewe must consider our actions and decisions. The Scriptures advise us to make our calling and election sure, and to walk worthy of our vocation. Integrity, accountability and responsibility are very important to successful ministry. We invite you to consider the step you are about to take prayerfully. Proverbs 11:14, “Where no counsel is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” Proverbs 15:22, “Without counsel purposes are disappointed; but in the multitude of counselors they are established.”
1. To provide strength that will stand with members against satanic attack.
2. To give Godly counsel when needed. 3. To help the local Church stand as members of the body of Christ.
4. To promote fellowship with one another and provide a base of sharing ministries.
5. To offer protection. INTERNATIONAL MINISTERS FORUM is recognized by the Federal Government as an established Ecclesiastical Fellowship. It has been in existence since August 18, 1950.
6. To help promote unity among the brethern and to help bring peace where there is division.
7. International Ministers Forum, Inc. has no desire to own your property or to promote false gain in any way.
8. The most important outreach of the fellowship is to establish a worldwide vision.
9. Our desire is to spread the Gospel to all people both at home and in all areas of the world, through many outreaches, feeding/clothing programs and whatever means available as a tool of ministry.
10. To host conventions in various parts of the world and to be of assistance in conventions and ministries of other fellowships with which we have networked.
If after considering the information provided in this booklet, you desire to become a part of INTERNATIONAL MINISTERS FORUM, INC., please complete the accompanying Application and mail it to our office.
Who is Welcome?
1. Those who are called to serve the Lord Jesus Christ but have never been ordained.
2. Those who have been previously ordained, and desire to become a part of I.M.F.
3. Those who are ordained, a part of another Fellowship or Organization, but would like “dual fellowship”.
4. Becoming a Member of I.M.F. does not affect any activity with other Fellowships.
What Steps are Involved in Becoming a Part of I.M.F.?
Complete and submit the downloadable Application for consideration. If you have never been Ordained, it is necessary to do so. Ordination services are held during all Conventions. I.M.F. has networked with other Fellowships; therefore, it is possible to receive Ordination perhaps at other conventions, per previous arrangements through our office. If you have been previously Ordained, but share the vision of I.M.F. and would like to become a part of it, you may apply for license with I.M.F.
What is the Difference Between Ordination and License?
Ordination comes from God, and is the spiritual covering in regard to the response of your answer to God’s call in your life. This is done by the laying on of hands of the presbytery. And this, of course, is a lifetime commitment; therefore, it is only necessary once. Whereas, licensing is a legal covering and issued for a specific period of time. The I.M.F. has a membership fee of $75.00 and must be renewed annually. All licenses expire on Dec. 31, of each year. You must renew and update your license annually, according to law. For your convenience, Members can now Renew through this website.
What Must I do After Becoming Ordained or Licensed?
It is recommended that you file your certificate with your Recorder’s Office, either County or State, whichever your State may require. Finances must be properly handled and recorded, in order for you to provide safety for both your Ministry and your supporters. All funds are to be used solely for the purposes for which they were received and designated. If not, it is at your discretion as to which area of Ministry it is needed most. Donations are to be properly recorded and receipts given annually. Of course, you bear the responsibility of meeting the requirements of I.R.S. I.M.F. is a Fellowship, not an Organization, and we do not handle your finances nor hold your properties; therefore, I.M.F. cannot accept any responsibility for any actions outside the perimeter of the Law. I recommend the simplest form of records as the safest form of record keeping. Kiss – Keep It Simple Saints. The priorities of I.M.F. are to promote Fellowship and Mission outreaches. On your application you were asked to send Mission Offering of any size each month. This is the method in which we support our commitments throughout the world. Please be faithful to your commitment. Many of the Churches and Ministries in I.M.F. have a desire to support a certain Mission or Outreach. We encourage you to do this through I.M.F. When you do this you should receive a letter from the recipient acknowledging support. All offerings are used as designated. All un-designated offerings are used in the areas most needed at the time. We do our utmost to be good stewards over what God provides. We pray and ask wisdom in our areas of support.
Of these and all other glorious principles set forth in God’s Word, we stand. For them we pour out our energies, and give of our talents, abilities, and our substance. We invite all who believe in these principles, and all who are truly Christian and zealous for His Church, to join hands with us in propagating His Glorious Gospel to all people. So far as possible, without compromising cardinal principles, we are glad to cooperate with all of God’s People in bringing the knowledge of Salvation to the World. We are glad indeed to join hands with those who accept these principles, according to the Bible. We desire to extend our purposes through networking and nurturing of all people with like vision and purposes. We share in being a part of One Universal God-made, Christ-redeemed, Spirit-filled, Spirit-ruled, body of Christ, composed of those whose names are written in Heaven. Will you catch the vision with us, and pray and stand behind this Fellowship of Faith? God Bless You.